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Organic Chemistry Klein Textbook Review [Bonus Free Study Guide]

Organic Chemistry Klein   Today, we take a look at the organic chemistry Klein textbook, one of the most popular organic chemistry textbooks on the market right now. Written by David Klein, the book is now widely used in many undergraduate organic chemistry courses and is the number one textbook for organic chemistry on Amazon

Organic Chemistry Klein Textbook Review [Bonus Free Study Guide] Read More »

Resonance between equivalent atoms in organic chemistry means equal bond lengths.

It’s time for resonance in organic chemistry.   Resonance in organic chemistry is one of the most fundamental and useful concepts you will learn in this class. Once most students hear this tip, it makes perfect sense to them, but it isn’t one that you might think of on your own.  Take a look at

Resonance between equivalent atoms in organic chemistry means equal bond lengths. Read More »

Organic Chemistry: There are only FOUR important IR peaks….that’s IT

Amazingly enough, IR is not used much by professional organic chemists.  This is because all IR can show is different functional groups.  Thus, IR cannot tell the difference between any of the molecules shown below: All of the molecules above will show an OH peak and various C-H stretches, but each spectra will look striking similar. 

Organic Chemistry: There are only FOUR important IR peaks….that’s IT Read More »