
How to Pass Organic Chemistry (or even kill it)

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Want to know how to pass organic chemistry? Watch the video below.  We decided that we needed to go to the source to find out what the best way to study and how to pass organic chemistry.  So we surveyed a bunch of college professors and asked them 10 pointed questions about their organic chemistry course and what the best way to study chemistry was.  We took those answers and created this video to show students what they need to do to get the grade they want in this really tough class.  Then, we went a step further and created an entire website which provides students the best study resources for organic chemistry, as told to us by the professors.  See here it is.  If you have any questions or comments about the survey or the video, please contact us at admin@aceorganicchem.com anytime.

Reviews from happy customers:

“I have done the organic 2 so far and I think  it is great. The price was very fair and the most important thing to me is customer service and you guys are obviously very prompt about getting back when people are having problems. Im definitely going to recommend this website to other students at my university. Thank you so much for your help”  -Carly S.

“Howdy, I bought 86 tricks back when I was taking orgo and loved it!  It saved me, thank you so much for sharing your gift of teaching with those of us who need it most.” –  David Y.

“Your Organic I videos helped me so much for the first semester. You guys are doing a great thing!!” -Abbey J.

” I am really happy with my purchase.  The main thing I find most helpful is the amount of practice questions and explanations on the flashcards.” -Alin N.

“Easily explained some difficult concepts. Visual aids REALLY helped.  Easy to understand and follow presenter.” – Doug D.

“I loved all of it.. It helped me pass my board examination last September. Now I’m a licensed chemist. Our review professor taught us the “complicated” ways  of Organic Chem, but the book made it way simpler.” Yiyi M.

“It is a great video, I truly appreciate it!” -Jad M.

“thank you for creating such a great website!  it’s an excellent source of learning for me, especially because my learning curve for organic chemistry was really steep ” Melissa K.

“By the way, I think your products are really awesome.” -John K.

What students are saying:

Problem: Organic chemistry is too difficult. I just can’t learn it.

Answer: Organic chemistry can be hard, there are no two ways about it.  But there are ways to make it easier and you CAN learn it.  There are ways to consume and process all of the information being thrown at you.  You need a methodical way to handle the class.   You need proven teaching methods.  You need anytime access to the information. We provide all that to you and much more.

Problem: My professor makes no sense.

Answer: Yep, some of them don’t.  In fact, at some schools, they don’t even have a chemist teaching organic chemistry (it might be a prof from the bio department or something screwy like that).  AceOrganicChem Elite gives you all of the same information presented in most organic chemistry classes in an easy-to-digest, go at your own pace format.  Didn’t catch it the first time? Go back and look at our stuff as many times as you want.

Problem: I shouldn’t have to spend money to learn something I should be getting during lecture.

Answer: Fair enough, but think about it like this:  Should the equivalent of one round of drinks one night keep you from getting a good grade in organic chemistry?  You could spend $20 on less than one hour of private tutoring or spend it to get one month of 24/7 access to the premier organic chemistry learning system on the internet today.

Problem: How do you know what my professor teaching in this course?

Answer: For the most part, most US colleges and universities teach organic chemistry almost exactly the same way.  Undergraduate organic chemistry has not significantly changed in 20 years, and professors are lazy as hell.  We show you the majority of what most o-chem professors are going to require you to know.  And we present it in a way that is easy to understand.

Problem: Is this geared towards A students or D students?

Answer: If you are a D student, we suggest you start with review videos and easy practice exams, followed by the EASE method.  This will get you started in the right direction and give a broad understanding of the course.  If you are an A student, we suggest flashcards, mini-movies, and difficult practice exams.  We have something for everyone.

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